Impression New Street • Perfect ending
Release date:2018-04-23 Views:

4 On the 23rd of the month, JMD was invited by the organizer to participate in the "See You Pingyao" 2017 Customer Appreciation Meeting and "See Pingyao Cultural Park" Launching Ceremony. "Seeing Pingyao" has evolved from a single tourism performance project to a well-functioning cultural industrial park, covering hotel clusters, international film exhibitions, brand new streets, etc., from the initial cultural brand to the development of industrial brands, successfully created as A new landmark in the tourism industry in Shanxi. Interior design of Impression New Street Hotel, Cultural City Park, "Seeing Pingyao" In the design process, JMD can not only take into account the aesthetics and texture of the design itself, but also take care of the senses and feelings of consumers.