Brand traceability

In the mid-eighties of the last century, Li Ruilin, who graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and taught here, as the co-founder, founded the domestic interior design leading brand with Guangmei Tongren. Guangdong Jimei Design Engineering Co., Ltd. Relying on the strong academic background of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangdong Jimei has infinite vitality in designing academic exploration and social practice, and has become a pioneer in the Chinese interior decoration industry.

After ten years, under the advocacy of founder Li Ruilin, Jimei began to build Jimei’s international vision and move toward an international development path. In 1996, Hong Kong Jimei Design Consultants Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong) was established in Hong Kong. Jimei). Hong Kong Jimei is based in Asia and faces the world. It pioneered the application of the internationally advanced Bauhaus design system to the current interior design industry. Hong Kong Jimei is committed to the integration of modern industrial manufacturing technology with the human settlement environment, creating a large number of design tools that are both epoch-making and culturally rich.

In 2017, Jimei brand has accumulated and precipitated for 30 years. In response to the trend of market development and indoor industry upgrading, the new generation of Jimei reorganized and upgraded Hong Kong Jimei, creating a design-led , a comprehensive EPC delivery platform including engineering and procurement, Shenzhen Jimei Design Engineering Co., Ltd. (JMD). JMD makes full use of 30 years of industry resources and experience to innovate the design responsibility system into project delivery in response to industry pains and drawbacks, so that project cost, delivery cycle and delivery quality are greatly improved.

  • 1984

    The first generation of Jimei

    Guangdong Jimei was established,

    Become the pioneer of China's interior decoration industry

  • 1986

    Completion of the People's Congress Party "Henan Hall"

    Design and construction of the renovation project

  • 1996

    The second generation of beauty

    Hong Kong Jimei was established,

    Based in Asia, facing the world

  • 2011

    Established a design alliance with the University of Applied Engineering in Stuttgart, Germany.

    Completed the interior design of Shanghai Grand Theatre and Shanghai Oriental Art Center

  • 2017

    A new generation of beauty

    Hong Kong Jimei upgraded to Shenzhen Jimei