JMD Zhizhi's 7th World Military Games Stadium interior decoration design project
Release date:2018-04-02 Views:

Only one and a half years before the opening of the military In order to fully guarantee the smooth implementation of the project, JMD has included the project into the company's special project (the highest level), and Li Dong, the chairman of JMD, is personally responsible for mobilizing all resources and closely cooperating with the construction party. March 29, 2018  In the morning, by JMD Chairman, The general manager on behalf of the 7th World Military Games Stadium project design general contractor unit made a report on the fine decoration design plan of the stadium west area to Wuhan Mayor Wan Yong. In the six months from the project contact, JMD has reported to the leaders of all levels in Wuhan about 6 times, the program has been revised several times, JMD能极Strongly follow and satisfy the demands of all parties, each report can be unanimously affirmed by all parties.

Based on the full grasp of the project attributes, JMD's design can correctly reflect and integrate the "main tone and keynote" "styling and color" The three-way relationship of “convenience and etiquette” means that the main theme of design is the characteristic of “modernization, internationalization and ecologicalization of Wuhan”. The keynote is to focus on “military culture, water culture and Chu culture”. The keynote obeys the main tone; When the elements of Chu culture are used, the styling is the carrier, fully inheriting and promoting the spiritual core of Chu culture, taking into account the aesthetics of modern people. ; With the full consideration of the convenience of guests premise, taking into account the sense of ritual architectural design, it reflects the Chinese etiquette, to show a big country style.

On the afternoon of March 29, 2018, the JMD project team, led by the chairman, went to Hubei Academy of Fine Arts to focus on the project. The theme art mural creation was discussed and communicated. The symposium was presided over by the president of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts. The two sides discussed and reached a consensus.