The new journey 丨 JMD2018 mid-year operation work conference was successfully held
Release date:2018-08-10 Views:

August10Day morning,JMDorganized the 2018 mid-year operational work conference , the meeting is fully implemented JMDThe spirit of the mid-year work meeting, summing up the work in the first half of the year, analyzing the situation facing the situation, and researching and deploying the tasks for the second half JMDChairman The general manager, the heads of each branch, and the main management personnel of various departments attended the meeting.

Keyword: New Stage of Development

First of all, the general manager of the company, Mr. Ou, conveyed the spirit of JMD's mid-year work meeting and made a report on the operation of JMD's mid-year operation on behalf of the company's management team. In the report, Europa recalled the achievements of JMD in the first half of the year. In-depth analysis from industry and market, business development, large platform construction, etc. and announced JMD officially enters a new high-speed development stage, and Europe always points out: JMD has successfully completed the new model of enterprise creation, all work The work has begun to take effect. Standing at a new starting point, we must continue to strengthen the guiding ideology of "in-depth understanding, comprehensive communication, joint research, and rapid decision-making", and "having a plan, a basis, a process, a result, and a guarantee" The work policy. We will vigorously promote inter-firm cooperation, improve the various business management systems and open platform sharing service functions, and continuously stimulate the superiority of large-scale operation.

Keywords: accurate, focused, fast

Europe always emphasizes: JMD's development should focus on the "market", pay close attention to market trends, keep up with the development trend of the industry; adhere to the guiding principle of "quasi-, focus, fast", accurate brand Positioning, focus on key points, complement shortcomings, give full play to their professional advantages, and effectively enhance forward-looking, targeted and creative work, maintain determination, act positively, strive for initiative, and win opportunities.Subsequently, the heads of JMD's branches, the main responsible persons of each department made an exchange speech on the current problems and future development, expressing their confidence in the future development.

The meeting coincided with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Hong Kong Jimei, 30 years of accumulation and precipitation, reshaping today's Jimei. Our new generation of Jimei will not forget the original heart of the old generation Jimei Dream, work hard together, and work together to create the "creator of heavy equipment design."